As your business grows, so does your computer and network usage. You depend on your network, and when you experience downtime, your ability to serve your clients can quickly come to a screeching halt. But when you employ quality IT personnel, many technical issues are predictable and avoidable. Wouldn’t it be convenient if your office could afford a full staff of experienced technicians?
With managed IT, you can! Network Services Group is the leading managed IT service provider in Little Rock, and we’re ready to show you how affordable that network services, IT services, and backup services can be for your small business. Here are some of the most common questions that we hear from prospective clients:
Do I really need IT services?
A common mistake that small business owners make is trying to do everything themselves. Yes, owning a small business requires wearing a lot of hats, but sometimes it’s more important to free up time to focus on the big picture, instead of small details. With managed IT, you’ll have one very big detail covered, and have more time to grow your business.
How much does it cost?
Less than you think. Managed IT is affordable for small businesses, because the expense of the IT department is shared. You probably won’t need IT enough to justify paying another salary, and you don’t have to. Our managed IT clients only pay for the services that they use, and that’s how we keep our services affordable.
What services will I get?
We’ll begin by setting up a cloud-based server and exchange system that integrates your email and your voicemail. Your files will be backed up hourly to a local onsite server, and daily to a secure offsite cloud server. We’ll also make sure that your software patches and antivirus definitions are automatically downloaded and installed during your off-peak hours. And you also have 24-hour telephone helpdesk support available, and onsite support, if needed.
Managed IT is an affordable way for your small business to maximize uptime and stay online. NSG has been proud to keep central Arkansas online since 1989, and we’re ready to add you to our long list of satisfied clients. For more information, click here, or give us a call at (501) 758-6058.