
Insights into our services, technology, and culture

For the Best in Phone Service for Your Business – Call NSG

Practically everyone has a mobile telephone these days, and for very good reasons. The average smart phone does everything that a conventional telephone does, plus so much more. Current estimates are that less than 40% of U.S. households still have landline service,...

Keeping Your Data Safe is Our Top Priority

You can’t turn on the news these days without hearing about online privacy, hacking, or computer viruses. But it makes a lot of sense; after all, this is the information age, and information is power! Computer criminals are interested in getting their hands on data...

When it comes to High Tech Phone Services, the Future is Now!

It’s hard to imagine now, but it wasn’t long ago when most people thought that mobile telephones were something that only the wealthy could afford. Fortunately, the technology eventually became much more affordable, and now over 90% of Americans have at least one...

Don’t Wait for a Breach to Think about Network Security!

You only have to look at the headlines to know that if your business’ network security isn’t high on your list of priorities, it’s high on someone’s list. If your unsecured data hasn’t been compromised, it’s probably only because no one has gotten to you…yet. One of...

Consider Encrypted Cloud-Based Storage For Extra Security

As a small business owner, you already know that one of your most important assets is your data. In fact, the thought of suddenly losing it all due to a massive power surge (or a clumsy employee who accidentally reformats your hard drive) is terrifying! Unfortunately,...

If Your Phone System isn’t VOIP – We Have 3 Reasons Why it Should Be

More and more people are now becoming “cord cutters,” and abandoning landline telephone service at home. Over 90% of people now have mobile devices, and it’s hard to justify the expense of a home telephone. But as a business owner, it’s still important to have a main...

Start the New Year Right and Get a Handle on Your IT Needs

Most people look forward to the New Year, because it means getting a fresh start. But for some people, there’s also a certain sense of anxiety that comes with the fear of breaking resolutions. But when it comes to managed IT services for your small business, our team...

Managed IT Done Right is MORE Than a Convenience

Your office’s data network is an essential component of your day-to-day operations. It helps you keep employees connected, manage information, and take care of clients! That’s why it’s crucial to do whatever it takes to keep your network online! Some companies are...

Keep Your Data Safe From Disaster – We Can Help!

Your company’s data is one of your most valuable assets, and it should be protected at all costs! If you’ve ever been unfortunate enough to experience a data breach, you know that data recovery is an expensive and time-consuming process, and it squanders valuable time...