If computer network problems are hampering your business, you may be considering an upgrade to your data network. And you’re not alone, according to the International Data Corporation’s (IDC) “Worldwide Predictions 2014” report.
IDC forecasts spending on technology initiatives will increase 5 percent to $2.1 trillion next year. And our experts at Network Data Services, Inc., want to ensure your company spends its money wisely on those critical IT solutions in today’s tech world.
1 With more Internet connectivity than ever, Frost & Sullivan analysts predict machines will generate more data than people in 2014. All of this data will require companies to maintain reliable connectivity and storage. Analytics tools to attain the true value of that data will be key as well.
2 Increased mobility also is causing businesses to prioritize network investments. Improving bandwidth supports all of the devices commonly used in the workplace, wherever that may be. According to a survey by Killer Apps, 52 percent of businesses increased network upgrade budgets this year.
3 IDC also forecasts cloud computing to grow substantially, as spending is expected to exceed $100 billion (including software, services and infrastructure). With more widespread use of this technology and more advanced management tools, private clouds have become more reliable, easier to control and, perhaps most importantly, safer.
4 With more businesses opting for cloud computing solutions in recent years, wide-range outsourcing has become much more common. A recent report from Savvis predicts approximately 70 percent of all corporate IT infrastructures will be outsourced in the next five years — and for good reason.
5 Not only does outsourcing provide companies with a more competitive advantage and encourage growth, those surveyed saved an average of 11 percent of their annual technology budgets after outsourcing. And Network Data Services will guide your business to help assume and manage risk, helping to avoid expensive mistakes.
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