by nsgadmin | Jun 27, 2013 | News and Updates
“What do you mean that’s not supported by Windows XP?!?”
There’s that breaking point in every office worker’s career when you hang up on the support technician that’s trying to help you. It’s like you’re speaking two different languages: you speak Small Business Owner and they speak IT. There’s a better way to do business when you need help with your Microsoft network support. These tips will help you choose the right IT solutions provider – and, yes, they do Windows.
by nsgadmin | Jun 14, 2013 | News and Updates
Choosing business IT services can be overwhelming for some business owners. The questions you have may not be the ones you need to ask to get the best value for your dollar. When you decide your business needs managed IT services, consider these tips to ensure you get the best service available:
by nsgadmin | Jun 6, 2013 | News and Updates
Business owners overlook their IT system as a dynamic feature of the office. Like employees, vendor relationships, and customer satisfaction your tech infrastructure requires attention and responsiveness to continue to serve the business and contribute to its success. Here are five ways to manage your IT system to promote reliability and prevent downtime.