by nsgadmin | Nov 29, 2012 | News and Updates
Computing has changed the way companies had to think in so many ways. Businesses need many different technologies to compete in today’s competitive market. As a decision maker, you’ve experienced the cost of IT. Computer desktops, laptops, printers, networking devices, projectors, and tablets are all capital expenditures that businesses face. Of course, you must not forget the most important piece of your IT puzzle — IT support.
by nsgadmin | Nov 16, 2012 | News and Updates
Cloud computing is helping businesses reduce costs and increase up-time through new services available via the Internet and the use of Internet technology to centralize computer applications. By centralizing the applications, users remain up-to-date on all of the latest software updates and patches. Many cloud applications are accessible via mobile devices, which also makes cloud technology attractive to movers and shakers. (more…)